Monday, June 30, 2008

44x365x25 - Abby

A beautiful woman who had a real zest for life and living. You had the devoted husband, the nice family, the home with the desired white picket fence. You had it all. Too bad you gave it all up for a bottle of alcohol.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

44x365x24 - Joan

You made the best marshmallow frosted cake EVER! You always had Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup for me in your cupboard. I always felt at home with your family. You allowed me to swim in your pool anytime. Thank you for making me feel loved.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

44x365x23 - Paul

The first attorney I ever knew personally. You lived in a grand house where the walls were doors. You had a great pool and an awesome little house poolside. When you died, it brought together a lot of the old neighborhood. You lived well.

Friday, June 27, 2008

44x365x22 - Peg

A great smile and laugh. You took good care of my brother. You gave me a PEZ "just because," and and you didn't care if I had it or not, you did it "just because." You are in the special section of the library.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

44x365x21 - Ryann

I thought you would be different somehow, but in the end, you followed like the others before you. I always pegged you for a leader; not a follower. What a disappointment. If you ever decide to reach out, there will be no turning back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

44x365x20 - Trace

A quiet young man that stole the heart of my niece. Your personality blends well with the enthusiasm and emotions of Val. You have great karma and will be a wonderful Daddy. I wish you the true feeling of success. Welcome to the family.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

44x365x19 - Paul

I enjoyed watching you interact with family; you acted like you never had family moments. I wondered if you ever did. Your pumpkin carving days are over, my friend, but it is never too late to have the family you want. Make it happen.

Monday, June 23, 2008

44x365x18 - Glenn

Before you deserted the family, I saw such a great kid. Had a great smile. Had Looks. Had opportunity. Do you ever miss us? Worry about us? I think of you at every family gathering and wonder if you were doing the same. Well?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

44x365x17 - Eugene

The perfect driveway. The perfectly pruned bushes. You had fancy friends with big fancy expensive cars. I was intimidated by your perfection and seeming wealth. Your garage was turned into a livingroom and I always wanted a room like that when I grew up.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

44x365x16 - Eleanor

I wanted to be friends with your son because he was older. You would give me rides to school since you were a local teacher. I learned how to make chocolates from you. I realize now that you were my friend instead of Dan.

Friday, June 20, 2008

44x365x15 - Happy

Talk about constant love and companionship. I know you belonged to Debbie, but you shared your love. You were huge! You pushed me out of bed many times, but it showed how much you wanted to be with me. I'm allergic to dogs now!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

44x365x14 - Kitty

You were very independent, but loving. All I had to do was rub my fingers together gently and you would come. Looking for love and attention. Sorry your name was "Kitty." Our family should have been more creative than that! It fit, I guess.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

44x365x13 - Cecille

You were always my "Little Woman." We did not know each other long enough before you left this earth, but I loved making you laugh, and will always remember your face with a smile upon it. I think you were Debbie's angel. Thank You.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

44x365x12 - George

When I was younger, I looked up to you as someone who was independent and on the go. Always going to a new place, to do a grand thing. Now I realize that you were not honest with friendships, and you were simply lonely.

Monday, June 16, 2008

44x365x11 - Kelsie

Fiery red spirit with a quiet and shy exterior. I missed seeing you after the divorce, but was thrilled to see you at that one Bowl For Kids Sake that you joined the family. I had to work and could not share that moment.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

44x365x10 - Mrs. Willits

Your lips weren't normal, so you formed them with lipstick. You were understanding when I fell asleep in class. You explained I was helping take care of a baby at home. How did you know? I attended your funeral. I can still conjugate "amo."

Saturday, June 14, 2008

44x365x9 - Lorraine

No one could carry a bat around the neighborhood like you! "Mark, Denny, Carol, Get in the house!" You scared me growing up. When you moved, I often wondered how you were. I felt sad for you many times, but have no idea why.

Friday, June 13, 2008

44x365x8 - Valerie

When you joined our family, it sparked so much love. It was the first time I saw my father love a baby. I remember you with Micky Mouse ears. You are blessed with gifts to help others succeed. You're emotional, wonderful, and you're ours!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

44x365x7 - Tom

A Leader. You were the first to join our family through marriage. I was very young and I grew up thinking of you as a real brother. You didn't disappoint me. You are a great role model as anyone can look up to you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

44x365x6 - Wanda

A good sister is like a nice quilt. She ages with you, yet never loses her warmth. A support at one of the worst times in my life. She gave me a washer and dryer for my "new life." She is an incredible mother.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

44x365x5 - Alexandra

Her hair up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Her love of make-up and fashion, my love for her just grows. She has a mix of current innocence and a dash of some old souls. I love my daughter.

Monday, June 9, 2008

44x365x4 - Justin

100% Talent. Can learn and do anything with passion and practice. Outwardly strong and confident; inside he's afraid of success. Surprise Cones, Boys Night Out, Artist, Entertainer. Quick to learn, slow at reality. I love him for all his flaws and strengths. My son.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

44x365x3 - Diane

6 years dating; love. I fell in love with you all over again on our honeymoon. You gave me two children and through them I experience hope. I loved you; we disappointed each other. The saying is correct, Honeymoons don't last forever. Friendship. Failure

Saturday, June 7, 2008

44x365x2 - William

A work-a-holic and my very first male role model. You never judged others on their incomes. The dog farted. Mt. Blue Camping. You loved and hated my beard-shaving mail. A true artist. You died too young and missed seeing my life. Or did you?

Friday, June 6, 2008

44x365x1 - Jeanne

Life began with loving your face and your voice. The love you bestow on me makes me feel peaceful. You have enabled me to do the impossible; daily. There is something warm and comforting about being your "baby." I am lucky; I love you.

What is x365?

I started a separate blog for this new project that I want to embark on. "X365" is a year long project where you write a daily vignette about a person who has impressed your life in some way. To check out how it all began, go to x 365 and maybe you will want to begin your own list.

A special thanks to Maine-ly Megin for the idea. Ok, well, Rob is the one who really told me about it, but I learned the rest of the details of this project from Megin. Her entries each day are really thought provoking, even though I know none of the people who have touched her life.

Here is the way mine is going to work. I am going to write 44 words (my age).... for 365 days...and number each entry. So my entries will look like this: 44x365x1 then 44x365x2 and then 44x365x3 Now I think you get the idea.

I am doing this project because I think it will be interesting to see all the people that I feel have touched my life over the course of my life. A Year of a Life. Interesting isn't it? Stay tuned if you want.